洗禮是一種公開的宣告:即你成為耶穌基督的一名追隨者,並且認同祂的普世教會。 Baptism is a means to declare publicly that you are a follower of Jesus and that you identify with his universal church.
會籍 Membership
本會會籍既是一名信徒對我們教會大家庭的委身,也是我們教會大家庭對一名信徒的承諾。 Membership at CCAC is a commitment from a believer to our local church family, and a commitment from our local church family to a believer.
受洗或獲得會籍的第一步是參加我們定期安排的課程。如果您想了解更多信息,請聯系我們的牧師或我們的任何一位長老。 The first step to baptism or membership at CCAC is to attend one of our regularly scheduled classes. If you would like to find out more, please contact our pastor or one of our elders.